Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Pest Alert Posted for April 14, 2008

Downy Mildew
There are many types of Downy Mildew, some are very specific- infecting only one type or Genus of plants (such as Peronospora sparsa on Rose), others are have a broad spectrum of hosts. This time of year is especially important in recognizing the symptom
Downy mildew is being found commonly in the nursery trade on roses, perennials, some annuals and shrubs, brambles, vegetables, grapes, and other vines. It is a form of water mold fungus. Sporangia are produced on the undersides of leaves under humid conditions (like this spring weather or in covered greenhouses) at cool-moderate temperatures, and in some cases has caused defoliation or dieback to plants when left untreated. For more information click here