MLNA already in planning stage for our Summer Field day for 2009-Here is a brief note from MLNA Treasurer Bryan Stringer/ MLNA Field Day 2009 Planning Chairman
At this time the MLNA board is looking into having our annual summer field day in Springfield, MO at Close Park. Close Park is located in the south west part of the city across from Horton Smith golf course. Plans are currently in the works to establish a botanical center in Close Park to act a central hub to the various gardens throughout the park. We would look to hold the event around the third week in June similar to this years field day. I am looking forward to having the MLNA host an event in southwestern Missouri. It has been several years since the presence of the MLNA has been felt in this part of the state.
Growing together,
Bryan Stringer
MLNA Treasurer
At this time the MLNA board is looking into having our annual summer field day in Springfield, MO at Close Park. Close Park is located in the south west part of the city across from Horton Smith golf course. Plans are currently in the works to establish a botanical center in Close Park to act a central hub to the various gardens throughout the park. We would look to hold the event around the third week in June similar to this years field day. I am looking forward to having the MLNA host an event in southwestern Missouri. It has been several years since the presence of the MLNA has been felt in this part of the state.
Growing together,
Bryan Stringer
MLNA Treasurer