Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Low Impact Development Practice -A practice worth perfecting

Storm water runoff continues to be a concern in communities large and small across Missouri and throughout the United States. Currently there are a number of cooperative public outreach education programs, professional training seminars and conference opportunities and an increasing number of incentive programs that introduce various aspects of Low Impact Development (LID) practices to assist with management of targeted pollutants such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and total suspended solids. and storm water
MLNA wished to encourage its members to review these topics and consider promoting these practices as a business as well to the public. Become informed and create your niche based on any or all of these practices that protect our environment

Ten Common LID Practices
1. Rain Gardens and Bioretention
2. Rooftop Gardens / Shield Systems
3. Sidewalk Porous surface & Storm Water Filtering
4. Vegetated Swales, Buffers, and Strips; Tree Preservation
5. Roof Leader Disconnection
6. Rain Barrels and Cisterns
7. Permeable Pavers
8. Soil Amendments; Organic
9. Impervious Surface Reduction and Disconnection
10. Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping

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