Thursday, October 16, 2008

Pest News Kansas City, MO does preemptive strike against EAB

Kansas City gets money to replace ash trees downtown before dreaded bug arrives Kansas City Star, Kansas City, MO
by Matt Campbell,

Kansas City will get $10,000 from the state conservation department to replace 53 of the most susceptible ash trees downtown with other species before the dreaded emerald ash borer gets here.
Actually, the metallic green beetle, which has killed an estimated 100 million ash trees in other parts of the country, may already be here but just hasn’t been detected yet, said City Forester Forest Decker. But if it’s not, it soon will be.
And there will still be plenty for the destructive bugs to eat. Decker says there are more than 42,000 ash trees in the public right of way in Kansas City alone.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yeah! its much better,